Wednesday 8 April 2015

Road to success EP69!

Bronwyn's Road To Success:

Name: Bronwyn Hoedermaker

Occupation: Freelance transcriptionist and beauty blogger at Mother City Mom.

Goals: "My transcription work is interesting and pays the bills (almost), but as beauty and skincare is a passion of mine I would love to be able to do something income-generating in this field. Whether it is a new job completely or being able to blog full time, this is something I would love to achieve."

What is success? "Success is relative. When I started blogging I considered it a success when I reached my first 10,000 views and my first 1,000 subscribers. Hitting milestones is a measure of success and it is an ongoing and cumulative thing. My definition of success now is if people have a desire to interact with me, whether it is readers commenting on my posts, or brands who want me to review their products. This shows my hard work is being recognized. I think the ultimate success would be the ability to do what you love on a full-time, sustainable basis."

What success have you achieved? "I try not to look at my statistics very often because this can sometimes undermine one's confidence. When compared to other bloggers who have achieved what I would consider to be a high measure of success, I don't feel particularly successful myself. But I suppose that I've gone from my first blog post two years ago to 85,000 views, I've built some good relationships with PR representatives and have even signed a media contract with a particular brand. I am quite pleased with the growth in my blog Instagram account and how much people interact with me there, asking for product advice and makeup tips. It is definitely my fastest-growing and most engaging platform. So I feel that my blog has gained some small recognition, even though I still have a long way to go."

What success do you want to achieve? "I haven't gotten to the point where my blog is income-generating, so this obviously restricts the amount of time I have to devote to it. Blogging is very time consuming and a lot of effort goes into maintaining a blog and related social media accounts, often with very little reward. I still want to achieve a higher number of readers and create content which people engage with more (I get very few comments and requests on my blog currently and interacting with readers is very rewarding). My long-term goals include improving the quality of my website, attracting the attention of brands I would love to work with, and ultimately having my input valued in the 'industry'."

Wishing you only the best on your journey to success Bronwyn...

Visit her lovely blog Mother City Mom at and follow on twitter @BronwynH1981.

Peace. Happiness. Success.

inspirational quotes we #levolove

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