Hello Giants
You might be wondering what the title is
about and what it has to do with success and being the best version of
yourself. It may not be obvious now but bear with me and continue reading the
rest of the post, and once you’ve read it, it will make a lot more sense.
Let’s start off by tackling Gold vs Gold
Plated things:
Gold Plated
Elemental metal made up of only gold atoms.
Thin layer of gold covering something.
Will not tarnish – Will not become dull, dim or
discolored and will not be ruined.
Small amount of actual gold that inevitably rubs
away over time
Now how does all this relate to you and
your life? I believe you have 2 kinds of people/friends in your life; Real
& Fake who I call Gold & Gold Plated.
I use this contrast to show you that the people you consider gold in
your life are the real deal, they will stay by your side and will continue to
support you. They will not tarnish. Whereas Gold Plated people, maybe not
initially but over time, will reveal their true selves and their hidden
agendas. They are pretentious and dishonest. What you thought of them will
change once their true colors are revealed.
People/Friends who represent Gold
Gold Plated People/“Friends”
People/Friends who are loyal and trusting.
People/“Friends” who pick and choose when to be
loyal or trusting to you depending on the situation and who they are around.
People/Friends who help you grow.
People/“Friends” who make you feel small and
inferior to them.
People/Friends who are there for you through thick
and thin.
People/“Friends” who are with you when times are
good and nowhere to be found when times are bad.
People/Friends who motivate you to be the best
version of yourself.
People/“Friends” who continue to discourage you when
it comes to your dreams or who let you continue doing the wrong thing knowing
very well it’s not good for you.
People/Friends who believe in you.
People/“Friends” who would rather see you fail than
People/Friends you can be real around.
People/“Friends” who make you feel bad for being who
you really are.
People/Friends who choose to love you and be around
you with your flaws and all.
People/“Friends” who compete with you, who never
make an effort and who point out all your wrongs and conveniently forget to
mention all your rights.
People/Friends who want you to succeed.
People/“Friends” who sabotage everything you do or
have planned.
The people/friends who represent Gold are
the type of people you want in your life. They are real and don’t just pretend,
these are the people you can trust with your life. These are the people who
will push you into the right direction and who will be by your side with every
step you take. These are the type of people you want to have in your success
corner, in your successful life and on your journey to greatness.
On the other hand you may have read about
how Gold Plated people are and thought to yourself, “Wait a minute, I have some
people/“friends” in my life that fit this description”. All I can say is you’re
right, we all have encountered such people, some more than once and some
currently still are. Gold Plated people are the type of people you don’t want
in your life, as a matter of fact you want them as far from you as possible.
They have nothing to give you except for negativity, self-doubt and disappointment.
They will not grow you. The only positive thing about being around these people
is knowing who to be around or who to leave behind. They bring unnecessary
toxicity and discouragement into your life. Some may even delay your success or
even stand in the way of it. They are quick to be disloyal and everything else
they need to be to get ahead even at the price of your friendship and trust.
To be successful, stay successful and live
a successful life you need to surround yourself with the right people, people
you trust without a doubt and people who will help you achieve greatness. Not
everyone wants you to be great. Rather have a small, strong, driven and loyal
circle than a volatile big circle that’s waiting to blow.
Guard your space above all so nothing and
no one stands in the way of your success and happiness.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
I would love to know what you all think of
this post, please leave your comments below and share this post for others to
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