Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Road to success EP76!

Tara's Road To Success:

Name: Tara Johannisen

Occupation: "Accessorises Fashion Planner at an online Fashion Company by day, but ultimately a Fashion Activist and Lifestyle Influencer daily and via my blog, trend Soirée."

Goals: "Honestly, I think goals are overrated, I never understood them when I was a kid and I still don't. My goal is just being able to pursue the lifestyle and career that I am able to do every day. Ultimately, I'd rather never want to stop dreaming, it's through this creative outlet that allows so many opportunities and success."

What is success? "Personally, success is contentment, being happy in what and who you are. I believe that there are 3 vital spheres that needed to be considered in order to have balance. Mentally, constantly feeding your mind with knowledge and always learning be it through people or books this is imperative to longevity and existence. Enriching your life with the people that matter the most, those who value you and who will offer positive criticism, I live by it, La Familia  is the most important thing. And lastly, and the one that probably requires the most attention but often gets neglected, your health, without you valuing your body and soul by constantly nourishing and taking care of it, you are probably unfit to reach the success everyone desires and to enjoy the simple pleasures of this life. Ultimately, I strongly believe that success is parallel to change!"

What success have you achieved? "This is a really difficult question to answer, I feel like I'm constantly striving for success. I am possibly reaching milestones of success on this life journey as I go along. If I'd highlight successful events in my life thus far, it would probably be the continuous support of my family and friends. The success of having a blog, being able to meet and collaborate with brands is an invaluable. The vast experience of building a brand and the friendships made is an additional enrichment in my life. I base my success on the people in my life, right down to the loyal readership that trend Soirée has."

What success do you want to achieve? "I'd really like my trend Soirée to become a fashion household name so that people will be able to appreciate and understand my brand aesthetic. I wish to inspire others through my art, that a simple lookpost or written post be able to speak volumes. I duly believe that fashion  is not only a lifestyle but it's a self-expressive art form and movement that is able to speak to people. Invariably having a voice to speak through fashion."

All the best on your road to success Tara...

Visit her amazing blog trend Soirée at trendsoiree.weebly.com and follow Tara on the following platforms: *Twitter @trend_soiree and *Facebook @trend Soirée.

Peace. Happiness. Success.

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