Name: Carla van Staden
Occupation: "Marketing consultant. I own a marketing agency called Twenty3Media ( and I lecture two online short courses (the Marketing and Internet Marketing courses) for UCT and GetSmarter. I also own and run an online baby store called Mooiste ( with my best friend, Jacoline. In my free time I like to blog at"
Goal in life: "I think as we go through life, our goals change. A few years ago I wanted to start my own business, settle down, drive a certain car and get married. Now that all that has happened, it's time for the next phase - start a family, continue to grow my business, travel. Since I work for myself one of the goals that I'm always trying to focus on is a good balance between all aspects of my life - when work gets busy it's easy to neglect yourself by skipping exercise, eating fast or unhealthy food all the time or neglecting your loved ones. In general I'm trying to have a good balance - and I try to do what makes me happy."
What is success? "For me success is living a fulfilled life - whatever that may mean to you. If you're a more materialistic person, that may mean living in a certain area in a certain house and driving a certain car. For me, success in life is having close and strong relationships with family and friends while doing well professionally."
What success have you achieved? "That's a tricky question - we can be very hard and critical on ourselves. In my personal life I'm fortunate that I met my husband when we were both 19. I think the road that we walked together since then helped shape us into the people we are today. He was one of my biggest supporters when I decided to start my marketing consultancy at the age of 23, and growing my business and making it profitable is definitely one of my biggest successes yet."
What success do you want to achieve? "I'd love to start a family in a few years, and then the challenge will be to balance my professional responsibilities and being a mom. We are also moving back to Namibia next year, so my goal is to continue to grow Twenty3Media in South Africa, Namibia and other African countries."
Good luck on your road to success and wishing you many more success stories Carla...
Visit her lovely blog StyleDiary at, her marketing agency website and online store at Follow Carla on twitter @carlavanstaden_ and @StyleDiarySA.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
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