Name: Tegan Smith
Occupation: Fashion, Event and Blogger photographer
Goal: "I believe that what is meant to happen, will happen and have just reached my first goal in life which is to work fully as a freelance photographer. My goal in life is to be successful, and comfortable, freelancing and doing what I love. Very few people enjoy their job and my goal is to keep my photography career and therefore enjoy what I do. I would like to travel with my work - this is my next goal to achieve - I have travelled SA but would like to start branching out to the overseas market and photograph behind the scenes and street style for large fashion shows and events, this would be the ultimate dream for me!"
What is success? "Success, in my opinion, is when you are happy with your life. Success is living happily and not about how many digits you have in the bank. There are many rich "successful" people in the world, but are they happy? If not, then is that really success? Success to me, is achieving your goals one by one and truly being satisfied with who YOU are and where you are in your life."
What success have you already achieved? "I have been successful in freelancing in my dream job and meeting amazing, inspiring people along the way. I have been able to travel SA with my career and hopefully overseas in the near future. A big achievement for me is to have my equipment. Photography is a very VERY expensive career to be in as you are judged on your equipment and not by your work (generally) so one is always upgrading software and buying new pieces of equipment. I have studied and bought all equipment by saving very long and hard and that for me is a BIG success."
What success are you yet to achieve? "I would like to have my own house studio one day, with great views and be able to give others, who are still learning , the opportunity to practice and be creative without a budget for a studio. I would like to travel overseas and shoot for well-known international brands. I am very hard on myself and will never be fully satisfied with were I am. I am always working towards a bigger, better goal so I still have a lot to achieve in SA and internationally."
All the best on your road to success Tegan...
Like her Facebook page TeganSmithPhotography, visit her blog and be awed as you see her amazing skills and photos at, follow her on twitter @TegzPhotography. Keep a look out for her website
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