Name: Sheilla Nyaboke Chepkorir Nyandiko
Occupation: Student
Goal: "Still trying to figure out what my goal in life is. I should know by the end of the year. However, in life, my goal is to change people's lives in big and small ways. I want to be someone that carries hope wherever I go. With my talents I want to bring a message of the good news of the Gospel. I want to become more and more of who God wants me to be."
What is success? "When I think success, first thing that comes to my mind is big house and lots of money and my songs being famous(I write songs).
However I believe there is more for what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? So....although the image I have just depicted is, unfortunately, the image many people have of success, I believe it is too far fetched. It is good to have all this money and glitter, but to me, success is rising up after you have fallen, overcoming challenges and having a dream in which you focus on every day and once your dream materializes, for me, that is success."
What is your Success? "The success that I want to achieve in life is to be the best that I can be. For me to inspire. For me to raise up those who are down. To shine the light and to point people to the way. I have dreams-dreams so big that I get scared.....I get goosebumps imagining it all. God being the wind beneath my wings, I want to do things that He would like to be done on earth. I will be His hands. I will be His feet. So my view of success is very eternity orientated. And if riches come with it....I will not complain. May He help me by making my dreams come true. My dreams are a lot. Mainly they involve music. Yeah.....success.....I want to get to that land.....I can see it from this mountain on which I stand. And now I am going to cross the river using my failures as stepping stones. Carrying self discipline, faith and with God helping me, sooner or later, I will eat of that beautiful land."
I would just love to add that Sheilla is a classmate of mine, we both study medicine. She is a beautiful soul inside and out! I learn so much from her... God bless you Sheilla.
All the best on your road to success Sheilla...

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