Because small steps are not for us... we take Giant leaps and make sacrifices in order to make our dreams come true! "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SUCCESS"
Monday, 26 October 2015
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Road to success EP106!
Abigail's Road To Success:
Name: Abigail Ayoola
Occupation: Fashion Stylist and Style Blogger
Goals: "To be happy, content, at peace and to succeed in all I do, all that being in my personal and professional life."
What is success? "My definition of success is setting goals, never giving up in achieving those goals regardless of the time frame and being happy with the results."
What success have you achieved? "I'm proud to say I've already achieved success in finding my passion and career path in fashion and having the fearlessness and determination to have continuously secured work despite my initial lack of knowledge and experience. I feel that I'm still on the road to success though because I'm still always striving to challenge myself, increase my skills and be the best that I can be but the joy is always in the journey so I try to enjoy the process as well as the results."
What success do you want to achieve? "I just want to be the best I can be in my fields of work as a stylist and blogger as well as in my personal life especially as a mother and until I'm content and can truly say that I've done all I can do then I'll always feel that I'm yet to truly achieve success."
All the best on your road to success Abigail...
Visit her lovely blogs Abigail Ayoola at www.abigailayoola.com and Twynkle Loves at www.twynkleloves.com. Follow Abigail on Facebook** Abigail Ayoola - Fashion Stylist and TwynkleLoves.com, Twitter** @TwynkleLoves, Instagram** twynkleloves.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Abigail Ayoola
Occupation: Fashion Stylist and Style Blogger
Goals: "To be happy, content, at peace and to succeed in all I do, all that being in my personal and professional life."
What is success? "My definition of success is setting goals, never giving up in achieving those goals regardless of the time frame and being happy with the results."
What success have you achieved? "I'm proud to say I've already achieved success in finding my passion and career path in fashion and having the fearlessness and determination to have continuously secured work despite my initial lack of knowledge and experience. I feel that I'm still on the road to success though because I'm still always striving to challenge myself, increase my skills and be the best that I can be but the joy is always in the journey so I try to enjoy the process as well as the results."
What success do you want to achieve? "I just want to be the best I can be in my fields of work as a stylist and blogger as well as in my personal life especially as a mother and until I'm content and can truly say that I've done all I can do then I'll always feel that I'm yet to truly achieve success."
All the best on your road to success Abigail...
Visit her lovely blogs Abigail Ayoola at www.abigailayoola.com and Twynkle Loves at www.twynkleloves.com. Follow Abigail on Facebook** Abigail Ayoola - Fashion Stylist and TwynkleLoves.com, Twitter** @TwynkleLoves, Instagram** twynkleloves.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Road to success EP105!
Ranaa's Road To Success:
Name: Ranaa Patel
Occupation: Fashion Student and Fashion Blogger
Goals: "I aspire to make my blog a bigger success each day and in doing so meet new people and start a business from it. I would also like to start my very own shoe range that I personally design."
What is success? "Success in my opinion is waking up each day and having no regrets simply because you love what you do in terms of your career and lifestyle."
What success have you achieved? "I have achieved first place at my old high school's fashion show. I have started a blog that I enjoy writing. I have won the role of the Cotton On Brand Ambassador 2015."
What success do you want to achieve? "I have yet to start my own business from my blog which I hopefully would love to start pursuing as soon as I graduate from fashion school. Another achievement for me will be graduating itself."
All the best on your road to success Ranaa...
Visit her lovely blog RMfashionary at rmfashionary.blogspot.co.za. Follow Ranaa on Facebook** RMfashionary, Twitter** @RMfashionary and Instagram** rmfashionary.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Ranaa Patel
Occupation: Fashion Student and Fashion Blogger
Goals: "I aspire to make my blog a bigger success each day and in doing so meet new people and start a business from it. I would also like to start my very own shoe range that I personally design."
What is success? "Success in my opinion is waking up each day and having no regrets simply because you love what you do in terms of your career and lifestyle."
What success have you achieved? "I have achieved first place at my old high school's fashion show. I have started a blog that I enjoy writing. I have won the role of the Cotton On Brand Ambassador 2015."
What success do you want to achieve? "I have yet to start my own business from my blog which I hopefully would love to start pursuing as soon as I graduate from fashion school. Another achievement for me will be graduating itself."
All the best on your road to success Ranaa...
Visit her lovely blog RMfashionary at rmfashionary.blogspot.co.za. Follow Ranaa on Facebook** RMfashionary, Twitter** @RMfashionary and Instagram** rmfashionary.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Road to success EP104!
Naomi's Road To Success:
Name: Naomi Shear
Occupation: GEMP 1 Medical Student
Goals: "I want to contribute (in no matter how small a way) to creating positive growth in the world. More personally, I want to feel content with what I have and to feel like I have stretched to reach my personal potential in every facet of life."
What is success? "Success is looking back on the day and feeling that you've moved somewhat towards a goal/goals you have set for yourself. And then looking back on the week, the month, the year and ultimately a lifetime and feeling that same sense of movement, achievement and satisfaction."
What success have you achieved? "Simultaneously a lot and very little."
What success do you want to achieve? "I'd like to quote one of my favourite Nelson Mandela quotes for this: "There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living". I don't take this to mean that in order for a life to be successful and meaningful, one needs to be like Nelson Mandela the president. Rather I take it to mean that in order to be successful, we should live our lives and achieve our goals (no matter how small) like the Nelson Mandela who was kind, who was humble and who was passionate."
All the best on your road to success Naomi and may you achieve all that you want :) ...
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Naomi Shear
Occupation: GEMP 1 Medical Student
Goals: "I want to contribute (in no matter how small a way) to creating positive growth in the world. More personally, I want to feel content with what I have and to feel like I have stretched to reach my personal potential in every facet of life."
What is success? "Success is looking back on the day and feeling that you've moved somewhat towards a goal/goals you have set for yourself. And then looking back on the week, the month, the year and ultimately a lifetime and feeling that same sense of movement, achievement and satisfaction."
What success have you achieved? "Simultaneously a lot and very little."
What success do you want to achieve? "I'd like to quote one of my favourite Nelson Mandela quotes for this: "There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living". I don't take this to mean that in order for a life to be successful and meaningful, one needs to be like Nelson Mandela the president. Rather I take it to mean that in order to be successful, we should live our lives and achieve our goals (no matter how small) like the Nelson Mandela who was kind, who was humble and who was passionate."
All the best on your road to success Naomi and may you achieve all that you want :) ...
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Road to success EP103!
Sandile's Road To Success:
Name: Sandile Nene
Occupation: Editor of weblogforlove.com
Goals: "To be the best I can be; inspire, achieve and inspire more."
What is success? "Being happy and comfortable in your own skin. Being able to support the lifestyle you grew up wanting."
What success have you achieved? "I pay my own bills and support my mom and siblings."
What success do you want to achieve? "Getting my first car."
All the best on your road to success Sandile...
Visit his blog On Point with Sandy Nene at www.sandynene.com. Follow Sandile on Facebook** Sandy Nene & his page On Point With Sandy Nene, Twitter** @SandyNeneSA and Instagram** sandynenesa.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Sandile Nene
Occupation: Editor of weblogforlove.com
Goals: "To be the best I can be; inspire, achieve and inspire more."
What is success? "Being happy and comfortable in your own skin. Being able to support the lifestyle you grew up wanting."
What success have you achieved? "I pay my own bills and support my mom and siblings."
What success do you want to achieve? "Getting my first car."
All the best on your road to success Sandile...
Visit his blog On Point with Sandy Nene at www.sandynene.com. Follow Sandile on Facebook** Sandy Nene & his page On Point With Sandy Nene, Twitter** @SandyNeneSA and Instagram** sandynenesa.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Road to success EP102!
Caitlin's Road To Success:
Name: Caitlin Do
Occupation: Design student and fashion blogger
Goals: "My goals in life are to be able to do what I love everyday and to be able to provide for my family."
What is success? "My definition of success is finding happiness in everyday life, whether it be your work life, home life or love life. I think being successful means that you have found what you're passionate about - something that gives you purpose and encourages you to wake up every morning and seize the day."
What success have you achieved? "I have found a major in which I think I can continue to learn and grow over many years. I've also built a relationship with thousands of people around the world through Instagram and Youtube."
What success do you want to achieve? "I still need to graduate and find a 'real' job. I also want to continue to meet and inspire others online as well as in person."
All the best on your road to success Caitlin...
Visit her amazing blog Caitlin at www.caitlindo.com. Follow Caitlin on Twitter** @docaitlin, Instagram** docaitlin and Youtube** Caitlin Do.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Caitlin Do
Occupation: Design student and fashion blogger
Goals: "My goals in life are to be able to do what I love everyday and to be able to provide for my family."
What is success? "My definition of success is finding happiness in everyday life, whether it be your work life, home life or love life. I think being successful means that you have found what you're passionate about - something that gives you purpose and encourages you to wake up every morning and seize the day."
What success have you achieved? "I have found a major in which I think I can continue to learn and grow over many years. I've also built a relationship with thousands of people around the world through Instagram and Youtube."
What success do you want to achieve? "I still need to graduate and find a 'real' job. I also want to continue to meet and inspire others online as well as in person."
All the best on your road to success Caitlin...
Visit her amazing blog Caitlin at www.caitlindo.com. Follow Caitlin on Twitter** @docaitlin, Instagram** docaitlin and Youtube** Caitlin Do.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Road to success EP101!
Kelsey & Kendra's Road To Success:
Name: "Our names are Kelsey & Kendra Murrell and we are known as 'The GlamTwinz'."
Occupation: "We are 'Beauty & Lifestyle Vloggers' on YouTube who love 'All Things Beauty'! We are also certified 'Master Cosmetologists'."
Goals: "Our goal is to continue to 'Make our Mark' across the globe by pouring into women the knowledge we have about Hair, Makeup and Fashion."
What is success? "So many people overthink this but our definition of success is 'True Happiness'!"
What success have you achieved? "Helping others! The fact that we've been able to help so many is considered a huge success for us! Success is not always measured by what we do, but by how others are affected by what we do!"
What success do you want to achieve? "Reaching 1 million subscribers!!! The more subscribers we have, the more people we can continue to help and touch :)."
All the best on your road to success Kelsey & Kendra...
Follow Kelsey & Kendra on:
Facebook** Glamtwinz334
Twitter** @GlamtwinKels1 & @GlamtwinKen2
Instagram** glamtwinkels1 & glamtwinken2
YouTube** GlamTwinz334 & their amazing Vlog Channel GlamTwinzTV.
Peace. Happiness. Success.



Name: "Our names are Kelsey & Kendra Murrell and we are known as 'The GlamTwinz'."
Occupation: "We are 'Beauty & Lifestyle Vloggers' on YouTube who love 'All Things Beauty'! We are also certified 'Master Cosmetologists'."
Goals: "Our goal is to continue to 'Make our Mark' across the globe by pouring into women the knowledge we have about Hair, Makeup and Fashion."
What is success? "So many people overthink this but our definition of success is 'True Happiness'!"
What success have you achieved? "Helping others! The fact that we've been able to help so many is considered a huge success for us! Success is not always measured by what we do, but by how others are affected by what we do!"
What success do you want to achieve? "Reaching 1 million subscribers!!! The more subscribers we have, the more people we can continue to help and touch :)."
All the best on your road to success Kelsey & Kendra...
Follow Kelsey & Kendra on:
Facebook** Glamtwinz334
Twitter** @GlamtwinKels1 & @GlamtwinKen2
Instagram** glamtwinkels1 & glamtwinken2
YouTube** GlamTwinz334 & their amazing Vlog Channel GlamTwinzTV.
Peace. Happiness. Success.


Friday, 16 October 2015
Hello Giants
I will be calling all the wonderful readers 'Giants' from now on, because without them this blog would just merely be another blog. Because of all you Giants, it is so much more. I have been receiving comments and emails of how the blog has touched people's lives and them telling me to keep the posts coming. It makes me so happy to know that I am helping someone out there. Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration and encouragement and we are full of it here on the blog.
Secondly I'd like to thank all the amazing people who have contributed to the blog, they are all the people who have shared their success with us and the rest of the world. I would like to mention that without your guys' different views on success the blog would be so average and surely you've noticed that this is not the case. So thank you for giving the blog the twist it needs.
I have watched this blog grow from 0 views to 40 000 views in 1 year and 6 months. That's amazing! I'm happy to see progress and to keep inspiring all you Giants.
Once again Thank You! Here's to many more posts, comments, Giants, contributors and views.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
I will be calling all the wonderful readers 'Giants' from now on, because without them this blog would just merely be another blog. Because of all you Giants, it is so much more. I have been receiving comments and emails of how the blog has touched people's lives and them telling me to keep the posts coming. It makes me so happy to know that I am helping someone out there. Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration and encouragement and we are full of it here on the blog.
Secondly I'd like to thank all the amazing people who have contributed to the blog, they are all the people who have shared their success with us and the rest of the world. I would like to mention that without your guys' different views on success the blog would be so average and surely you've noticed that this is not the case. So thank you for giving the blog the twist it needs.
I have watched this blog grow from 0 views to 40 000 views in 1 year and 6 months. That's amazing! I'm happy to see progress and to keep inspiring all you Giants.
Once again Thank You! Here's to many more posts, comments, Giants, contributors and views.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Things successful people do on Weekends!
Hello Giants
Since it's Friday and almost weekend, I thought it would be fitting if we spoke about some things successful people do on weekends. So while you read this post, if some things sound familiar then you may have the qualities of a successful person. But if you don't, have no fear, it's never too late to start working on having these qualities. If you want to be a part of the successful crowd then start doing these habits, you can do it slowly or you can do it all at once, as long as you try. They won't happen overnight but I believe in you and I know we all belong in the successful circle. Enter this weekend with these habits in mind and think about what you will start with and how long you plan to do this habit until you move on to the next.
The most important thing I can say is to always invest in yourself! Weekends are for recuperating and relaxing, spending time with your loved ones and definitely about reflecting on the past week and your life in general. It's very important to give yourself attention and to take a moment and just think of all the wonderful things you have and are yet to have.

The picture above was found on Lifehack.org, as you guys know already I'm obsessed over this website. And as always your comments are always welcome!
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Since it's Friday and almost weekend, I thought it would be fitting if we spoke about some things successful people do on weekends. So while you read this post, if some things sound familiar then you may have the qualities of a successful person. But if you don't, have no fear, it's never too late to start working on having these qualities. If you want to be a part of the successful crowd then start doing these habits, you can do it slowly or you can do it all at once, as long as you try. They won't happen overnight but I believe in you and I know we all belong in the successful circle. Enter this weekend with these habits in mind and think about what you will start with and how long you plan to do this habit until you move on to the next.
The most important thing I can say is to always invest in yourself! Weekends are for recuperating and relaxing, spending time with your loved ones and definitely about reflecting on the past week and your life in general. It's very important to give yourself attention and to take a moment and just think of all the wonderful things you have and are yet to have.

The picture above was found on Lifehack.org, as you guys know already I'm obsessed over this website. And as always your comments are always welcome!
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Habits of Successful People VS Unsuccessful People!
Hello Giants
Have you ever wondered why other people succeed and you've been trying and trying to succeed but it's just not happening. What are they doing that you not? This post is about the habits of the successful vs unsuccessful people. Please know that I am not trying to make anyone feel bad, all I'm doing is trying to educate you. It's important to know what successful people are doing differently and to learn from that and try and incorporate it into your life.

I found the picture above on lifehack.org, I would urge you all to check their website out, I'm obsessed with their content.
Would love to hear what you think, leave all your comments below.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Have you ever wondered why other people succeed and you've been trying and trying to succeed but it's just not happening. What are they doing that you not? This post is about the habits of the successful vs unsuccessful people. Please know that I am not trying to make anyone feel bad, all I'm doing is trying to educate you. It's important to know what successful people are doing differently and to learn from that and try and incorporate it into your life.

I found the picture above on lifehack.org, I would urge you all to check their website out, I'm obsessed with their content.
Would love to hear what you think, leave all your comments below.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Road to success EP100!
Thulisile's Road To Success:
Name: Thulisile Madi
Occupation: "A full-time law student & blogger and aspiring photographer."
Goals: "To be content with my life and my career."
What is success? "Success for me can't be quantified, so the amount of money I have or could have isn't a sole motivator. Success is writing a poem that purely represents what I'm feeling and having someone somewhere out there who can relate and appreciate the words. Success is having a creative project come together after struggling through the creative process and other logistics and personally loving the end product. Success means something different to everyone, but in my opinion, success is happiness and the feeling of contentment, which no amount of money or no variation of words can truly quantify or define respectively."
What success have you achieved? "Upon having started my blog a year ago, the greatest successes for me have been a readership from all over the world, few as they may be in comparison to other bloggers, along with the opportunity to work with some great fashion brands to shoot my own style diaries and my recent opportunities to be on the other side of the camera as a photographer. All of these personal achievements can be attributed to blessings from God because many doors of opportunity opened when I least expected it, which is something I'm so grateful for!"
What success do you want to achieve? "I would looove to write song lyrics with artists in the future, a book and more opportunities to shoot blog editorials with my favourite brands. Most of all, I'd love to make a difference in the world, be it in my writing or in any other way. As much as success is a personal thing, I think that one of the greatest successes any writer can aim for is the success of touching someone else's heart through their writing. It's not the easiest thing to wear my heart on my sleeves by posting my poetry online but the feeling I get when someone tells me that they could relate supersedes any fears I could've ever endured initially."
All the best on your road to success Thulisile...
Visit her awesome blog The World Behind My Shades at theworldbehindmyshades.com. Follow Thulisile on Facebook** The World Behind My Shades, Twitter** @Thulz_ and Instagram** thulz_.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Thulisile Madi
Occupation: "A full-time law student & blogger and aspiring photographer."
Goals: "To be content with my life and my career."
What is success? "Success for me can't be quantified, so the amount of money I have or could have isn't a sole motivator. Success is writing a poem that purely represents what I'm feeling and having someone somewhere out there who can relate and appreciate the words. Success is having a creative project come together after struggling through the creative process and other logistics and personally loving the end product. Success means something different to everyone, but in my opinion, success is happiness and the feeling of contentment, which no amount of money or no variation of words can truly quantify or define respectively."
What success have you achieved? "Upon having started my blog a year ago, the greatest successes for me have been a readership from all over the world, few as they may be in comparison to other bloggers, along with the opportunity to work with some great fashion brands to shoot my own style diaries and my recent opportunities to be on the other side of the camera as a photographer. All of these personal achievements can be attributed to blessings from God because many doors of opportunity opened when I least expected it, which is something I'm so grateful for!"
What success do you want to achieve? "I would looove to write song lyrics with artists in the future, a book and more opportunities to shoot blog editorials with my favourite brands. Most of all, I'd love to make a difference in the world, be it in my writing or in any other way. As much as success is a personal thing, I think that one of the greatest successes any writer can aim for is the success of touching someone else's heart through their writing. It's not the easiest thing to wear my heart on my sleeves by posting my poetry online but the feeling I get when someone tells me that they could relate supersedes any fears I could've ever endured initially."
All the best on your road to success Thulisile...
Visit her awesome blog The World Behind My Shades at theworldbehindmyshades.com. Follow Thulisile on Facebook** The World Behind My Shades, Twitter** @Thulz_ and Instagram** thulz_.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Road to success EP99!
Vivian's Road To Success:
Name: Vivian Ezike
Occupation: "I am currently a full time student and a part time make-up artist/stylist."
Goals: "My goal in life is to inspire as many people as possible to achieve their dreams and aspirations because I strongly believe everyone has a purpose."
What is success? "Success to me personally is various moments in my life when I feel fulfilled, almost as if a void in my heart is being filled. And this is mostly when I'm doing something selfless and helping other people. "
What success have you achieved? "I have achieved success in my career as a makeup artist and stylist, not only do I make people look outwardly beautiful. I also help them feel beautiful on the inside. Once I've completed a client's makeover, she instantly feels a lot more confident, the way she carries herself changes and to know that you participated in that transformation makes me feel so elated."
What success do you want to achieve? "I want to complete my Bachelors Degree so that I can focus fully on my business (Glamourized By Vivientann) and continue to empower women."
All the best on your road to success Vivian...
Visit her lovely blog La Vivientann at www.lavivientann.blogspot.co.za. Follow Vivian on Facebook** La Vivientann, Twitter** @Vivientann, Instagram** vivientann and Youtube** Vivientann B.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Vivian Ezike
Occupation: "I am currently a full time student and a part time make-up artist/stylist."
Goals: "My goal in life is to inspire as many people as possible to achieve their dreams and aspirations because I strongly believe everyone has a purpose."
What is success? "Success to me personally is various moments in my life when I feel fulfilled, almost as if a void in my heart is being filled. And this is mostly when I'm doing something selfless and helping other people. "
What success have you achieved? "I have achieved success in my career as a makeup artist and stylist, not only do I make people look outwardly beautiful. I also help them feel beautiful on the inside. Once I've completed a client's makeover, she instantly feels a lot more confident, the way she carries herself changes and to know that you participated in that transformation makes me feel so elated."
What success do you want to achieve? "I want to complete my Bachelors Degree so that I can focus fully on my business (Glamourized By Vivientann) and continue to empower women."
All the best on your road to success Vivian...
Visit her lovely blog La Vivientann at www.lavivientann.blogspot.co.za. Follow Vivian on Facebook** La Vivientann, Twitter** @Vivientann, Instagram** vivientann and Youtube** Vivientann B.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
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