Because small steps are not for us... we take Giant leaps and make sacrifices in order to make our dreams come true! "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SUCCESS"
Monday, 30 March 2015
Road to Success EP65!
Cindy's Road To Success:
Name: Cindy Alfino
Occupation: "Which one? I'm a Wife and Mom of 3, I am also an Operations Director and Insurance Consultant at work and somewhere in between I blog over at 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House (www.alfinos.wordpress.com)."
Goals: "I have many goals, some as simple as making sure everyone gets fed in the morning. But in terms of big life goals the biggest one that I have right now is to travel. See as much as I can see of the World that we live in, it's not a goal that I will be able to reach in the near future, but it is something that I am working hard towards."
What is success? "I think success is very dependent on the situation.
Although there is a lot of value in moving up at work, owning lots of things, making lots of money etc. to me success is being able to do that without negatively affecting your family life and relationships. Missing out on ballet recitals or first days of school or birthday is not on. Real success is to be able to juggle it all without dropping any of the balls."
What success have you achieve? "There's a few things that I have managed to get right so far:
Name: Cindy Alfino
Occupation: "Which one? I'm a Wife and Mom of 3, I am also an Operations Director and Insurance Consultant at work and somewhere in between I blog over at 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House (www.alfinos.wordpress.com)."
Goals: "I have many goals, some as simple as making sure everyone gets fed in the morning. But in terms of big life goals the biggest one that I have right now is to travel. See as much as I can see of the World that we live in, it's not a goal that I will be able to reach in the near future, but it is something that I am working hard towards."
What is success? "I think success is very dependent on the situation.
Although there is a lot of value in moving up at work, owning lots of things, making lots of money etc. to me success is being able to do that without negatively affecting your family life and relationships. Missing out on ballet recitals or first days of school or birthday is not on. Real success is to be able to juggle it all without dropping any of the balls."
What success have you achieve? "There's a few things that I have managed to get right so far:
- I am happily married to my husband - for almost 8 years now.
- We have 3 amazing and beautiful children that are all still alive and seem to be thriving.
- I used to be a receptionist at my current company and since joining in 2006 I have worked myself up to the position of Operations Director and now own 40% of the company.
- Our blog is doing fairly well as things go, still a hobby but something that I really enjoy."
What success do you want to achieve? "Paying off any and all debt, including bond payments. I want to live debt free as soon as possible."
All the best on your journey to achieving all you want Cindy...
Find her amazing blog 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House at www.alfinos.wordpress.com.
Follow her on:
Facebook: 3 Kids 2 Dogs 1 Old House
Twitter: @CindyAlfino
Instagram: Cindy Alfino
Peace. Happiness. Success.

Road to success EP64!
Charlene's Road To Success:
Name: Charlene Seini
Occupation: Business Analyst and part time Beauty Blogger
What is success? "Success is something that changes much the same as I do through life. I continually set myself goals and work towards them. So success is something that is continually changing and evolving along with me. I feel I have succeeded when I know I have done something to the best of my abilities and achieved my goals. To me it is all about being happy with the way in which I achieved my goals. If I knew I could have done more or done better - I don't feel I have succeeded."
Name: Charlene Seini
Occupation: Business Analyst and part time Beauty Blogger
- "To be successful in my career as a Business Analyst.
- To travel more.
- To be happy and content with what I do."
What is success? "Success is something that changes much the same as I do through life. I continually set myself goals and work towards them. So success is something that is continually changing and evolving along with me. I feel I have succeeded when I know I have done something to the best of my abilities and achieved my goals. To me it is all about being happy with the way in which I achieved my goals. If I knew I could have done more or done better - I don't feel I have succeeded."
What success have you already achieved? "Professionally, I am still growing within my career path. When I started out at my career it was about career progression, finishing my part time studies and being able to live comfortably. I am succeeding in my goals for growth, development and career progression. More recently I presented at the BASSA conference which is a big accomplishment for me in my profession. I think the biggest success I have achieved is finding a job that I am good at and enjoy doing.
Blogging wise, I think the main thing I wanted to achieve was balance between blogging, working and enjoying my spare time. This is only something that I have recently achieved. In the first year of blogging I spent almost all my free time blogging. Doing that while working and studying part time was really hard on me and I felt utterly exhausted. I think my biggest achievement with blogging is creating a good following, working with great brands and overcoming insecurities I had."
What success do you want to achieve? "I want to become internationally certified which is not an easy undertaking because you have to have a certain number of years of experience coupled with many other qualifying criteria - and that is to just gain access to writing the certification exam. But I am actively working towards it and slowly getting there."
Good luck on your road to success and on being internationally certified Charlene...
Visit her lovely blog Gee Whiskers at www.geewhiskers.com and follow her on twitter @Gee_Whiskers.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Living with Passion: Top 10 Dr.Seuss Quotes on Life
May we all live with passion. May we live each day to the fullest. May we be the best versions of ourselves we can possibly be. May we Achieve, Succeed, Love, Be Happy, Stay Humble and Forever Grateful!
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Road to success EP63!
Zareef's Road To Success:
Name: Zareef Minty
Occupation: Law Student, Politician and Entrepreneur
Goal: "I have about 50 goals every single year but two of the most important goals in life are: to become extremely influential and improve the lives of millions of people positively with that influence."
What is success? "Obviously success means different things to different people, for me success is not just achieving the goals you set for yourself but also impacting the lives of the people you get into contact with to achieve those very goals. For me, success is when my achievements and work ethic inspire and motivate others to become better."
What success have you achieved? "To be honest I haven't achieved anything as yet, the goals I set for myself are extremely complex. However I am grateful for the experiences and accolades I have received and experienced like being the youngest National Youth President of any political party in a National Election, making the Mail and Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans list and finally publishing my first book called EMPIRE which will hit stores really soon."
What success do you want to achieve? "I would love to be in the national assembly, hold a position in the executive of the government and own at least 2 multi-million dollar companies. Law is something I really have a passion for so I might take a legal route as well."
All the best and good luck on your road to success Zareef...
Visit his website Zareef Minty at www.zareefminty.com and follow Zareef on twitter @ZareefSMB.
It is really refreshing to see a young man have such big goals, but also one that (in my opinion) has achieved so much already. It's great to know it's possible. Thank you for being an inspiration to our youth Zareef!
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Zareef Minty
Occupation: Law Student, Politician and Entrepreneur
Goal: "I have about 50 goals every single year but two of the most important goals in life are: to become extremely influential and improve the lives of millions of people positively with that influence."
What is success? "Obviously success means different things to different people, for me success is not just achieving the goals you set for yourself but also impacting the lives of the people you get into contact with to achieve those very goals. For me, success is when my achievements and work ethic inspire and motivate others to become better."
What success have you achieved? "To be honest I haven't achieved anything as yet, the goals I set for myself are extremely complex. However I am grateful for the experiences and accolades I have received and experienced like being the youngest National Youth President of any political party in a National Election, making the Mail and Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans list and finally publishing my first book called EMPIRE which will hit stores really soon."
What success do you want to achieve? "I would love to be in the national assembly, hold a position in the executive of the government and own at least 2 multi-million dollar companies. Law is something I really have a passion for so I might take a legal route as well."
All the best and good luck on your road to success Zareef...
Visit his website Zareef Minty at www.zareefminty.com and follow Zareef on twitter @ZareefSMB.
It is really refreshing to see a young man have such big goals, but also one that (in my opinion) has achieved so much already. It's great to know it's possible. Thank you for being an inspiration to our youth Zareef!
Peace. Happiness. Success.

Road to success EP62!
Raylene's Road To Success:
Name: Raylene Harvey
Name: Raylene Harvey
- Senior Web UI Engineer
- Creator of Scarlet Aura blog: www.scarletaura.com
Goals: "My biggest goal in life is to have my own fashion design label. With my full time day job it's a bit difficult to go to fashion school, so I have been spending a lot of after hours and late nights researching, self studying and making my own clothes. I use my blog as a platform to showcase and style my garments and allow readers to share in my journey with me. I've been doing this since 2013 and it's been an enriching experience so far!"
What is success? "I measure success by the amount of smiles the journey toward reaching my goals brings me - not solely by what I've achieved. You could eventually reach your goals and have all you ever dreamed about, but if you're unhappy, you will always be left feeling unsatisfied and wanting more, and then that success means nothing. I make it my mission to embrace the journey and enjoy the good, the bad, and the ugly that faces me on my journey towards achieving my goals."
What success have you achieved? "I have so many people inboxing me and asking me to make them clothes, and asking "When are you starting your own online store?"! I've received so many positive messages and words of encouragement from family, friends and readers. I also receive lots of messages from readers telling me how much I am inspiring them. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such an amazing and supportive network. While I don't believe that affirmation from others is a "success", I do see it as the cherry on the cake, motivating me on my path.
I've also been featured on various platforms (blogs, brand pages, websites) including Becoming You, Stylish South Africa, StyleGF, ZA Lookbook, SKV Fashion, Forever 21, The Stylista, Truworths, Call It Spring, African Fashion Bloggers, Blackcherry Handbags, YDE, Edgars, Fly Fashion Doll... and all this happened in less than 9 months of launching the Scarlet Aura blog! Again, I see all of these "features" as a solid indication that I must be doing something right! I truly feel so honoured and grateful."
What success do you want to achieve? "Right now I want to be able to make any garment quickly and effortlessly. For me the biggest thing is to always challenge myself. For example, I try different techniques of making garments, or I try a new style of garment. I just recently finished a collared and cuffed shirt! It was an interesting journey of endless mistakes, late nights, and fabric wasting, but I finished it! The point is - I see all the little successes of the challenges I set myself as major stepping stones toward my ultimate goal. By practicing lots, I know I can only get better at it."
Good luck and all the best on your journey Raylene...
Visit her lovely blog Scarlet Aura at www.scarletaura.com and follow her on twitter @RayleneHarvey and Facebook at Scarlet Aura.
Peace. Happiness. Success.

Thursday, 19 March 2015
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Road to success EP61!
Alice's Road To Success:
Name: Alice Fick - Lipgloss Is My Drug
Occupation: Project coordinator - Alice Fick (Let's face it, it's a full time job being me.)
Goals: "Even though we already have a house my goal is to have my dream home and dream job and maybe one day in the very distant future start a family."
What is success? "Many people measure success as something you can achieve like money, career and fame. None of these last forever but the impact and difference you make in people's lives and how you are remembered long after you are gone, that to me is true success."
What success Have you achieved? "I own my own car, I got married to my best friend, started my own blog and I am financially independent."
What success do you want to achieve? "One day start my own family, have a job that is truly my passion and not just a 9 to 5 and to just truly be happy with who I am and what I have!"
All the best on your journey Alice...
Visit her awesome blog Lipgloss Is My Drug at lipglossismydrug.blogspot.com and follow her on twitter @AliceFick and Facebook at Lipgloss Is My Drug Blog.
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Alice Fick - Lipgloss Is My Drug
Occupation: Project coordinator - Alice Fick (Let's face it, it's a full time job being me.)
Goals: "Even though we already have a house my goal is to have my dream home and dream job and maybe one day in the very distant future start a family."
What is success? "Many people measure success as something you can achieve like money, career and fame. None of these last forever but the impact and difference you make in people's lives and how you are remembered long after you are gone, that to me is true success."
What success Have you achieved? "I own my own car, I got married to my best friend, started my own blog and I am financially independent."
What success do you want to achieve? "One day start my own family, have a job that is truly my passion and not just a 9 to 5 and to just truly be happy with who I am and what I have!"
All the best on your journey Alice...
Visit her awesome blog Lipgloss Is My Drug at lipglossismydrug.blogspot.com and follow her on twitter @AliceFick and Facebook at Lipgloss Is My Drug Blog.
Peace. Happiness. Success.

Monday, 9 March 2015
Road to success EP60!
Nicole's Road To Success:
Name: Nicole Larissa Nelson
Goals: "My goals are constantly changing because I'm always recreating myself anew. When I look back on my life on my dying day, I want to say that I left my foot prints in the sands of time, that I shined my light for those who couldn't find their way, and that I made every person I came into contact with better. All my goals in life lead to my ultimate, and that is to help others help themselves."
What is success?
"I believe that success is determined by my ability to start over when I have had it taken from me. For me, being successful is to create something out of nothing over and over again. Success is a feeling that I affirm and visualize, that ultimately results in manifestations.
My recipe for success or demise (CHOICE):
What success have you achieved?
"My biggest project has and will always be me. I believe strongly that to be able to give my best, I need to be at my best (the art of being selfless and selfish at the same time).
What success do you want to achieve?
"To be the No.1 Leadership Coach!
My primary objective is to help people realize that the world they are living in is THEIRS; and to show them how to use their thoughts to achieve the results that they want in life. I believe that the best place to start is with my children and my partner (I have already started with myself, and that in itself will always be a work in progress :) ).
As a mother, my greatest achievement would be knowing that based purely on leading by example, my children become aware and grounded that outside influences could not detour them, that they become self starters and self finishers, catalysts of change, and that the only thing they ever follow and chase are their dreams.
Knowing that I have accomplished this will give me a very clear indication of the level of success I have attained overall, as a woman, a coach, a mother, a lover, a friend, a business woman, an investor in people, and as a philanthropist. I believe strongly that our children are our greatest teachers and our best critics."
Well said and All the best on your journey Nicole...
Peace. Happiness. Success.
Name: Nicole Larissa Nelson
Mother; Founder & Director of Coached to Excellence (Pty) Ltd
Innovative Youth Leadership Coach; Catalyst Speaker
What is success?
"I believe that success is determined by my ability to start over when I have had it taken from me. For me, being successful is to create something out of nothing over and over again. Success is a feeling that I affirm and visualize, that ultimately results in manifestations.
My recipe for success or demise (CHOICE):
- Practice Gratitude + Positive Affirmation + Visualization + Application = Manifestation
- Negative Affirmation + Visualization + Application = Manifestation
Ultimately, I am the only one who can decide Who I am, Who I'm going to be, What it's going to be, and How it's going to be."
What success have you achieved?
"My biggest project has and will always be me. I believe strongly that to be able to give my best, I need to be at my best (the art of being selfless and selfish at the same time).
- In my professional capacity, manifesting my personal brand and my business as it is now are my greatest milestones thus far. I have spent over 8 years on the subject of self mastery and personal development, beating on my craft, learning, studying, working, and observing, to acquire all the skills I needed to fulfill my talents.
- I am finally at the place in my life where I am able to put it all to use. Being able to apply the wisdom, knowledge and tools I have acquired through my coaching & mentoring practice is fulfilling.
- On a personal front, I have overcome many trials and tribulations from my childhood. I surprise myself every day simply by taking stock of the woman I have become despite the odds.
- The woman that I am today is as a result of doing and looking at everything differently from what I was conditioned to believe and subject to. Stopping at nothing to bridge all those gaps and committing to breaking cycles will always be my greatest personal success."
What success do you want to achieve?
"To be the No.1 Leadership Coach!
My primary objective is to help people realize that the world they are living in is THEIRS; and to show them how to use their thoughts to achieve the results that they want in life. I believe that the best place to start is with my children and my partner (I have already started with myself, and that in itself will always be a work in progress :) ).
As a mother, my greatest achievement would be knowing that based purely on leading by example, my children become aware and grounded that outside influences could not detour them, that they become self starters and self finishers, catalysts of change, and that the only thing they ever follow and chase are their dreams.
Knowing that I have accomplished this will give me a very clear indication of the level of success I have attained overall, as a woman, a coach, a mother, a lover, a friend, a business woman, an investor in people, and as a philanthropist. I believe strongly that our children are our greatest teachers and our best critics."
Well said and All the best on your journey Nicole...
Please follow Nicole on the following:
- Twitter: @CoachedByCoco
- Google +: +Coached by Coco
- Facebook: Nicole Nelson - Innovative Youth Leadership Coach
- Linkedin: Nicole Larissa Nelson
- Youtube: CoachedByCoco
- Email: Nicole@coached2excel.co.za

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